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Size does matter. Good thing you can count on Xtra Size.

XtraSize is completely safe as it is all natural

Are you wondering what the secret of XtraSize is? The answer is: all natural ingredients of the highest quality. All substances used to produce XtraSize are supplied by certified producers, who specialize in the cultivation of herbs and plants grown for dietary and medical purposes.

Our unique formula was worked out by a team of American scientists, doctors and nutritionists – they worked together to create the best and the safest dietary supplement for penis enlargement that is currently available. See our guarantees.

Wondering what lies behind the success of thousands of men?

Learn more about the basic components of XtraSize.

Tribulus Terrestris

Tribulus Terrestris is a plant considered to be a powerful aphrodisiac. Apart from this, it’s also known for increasing potency and strengthening erections in men. Studies have shown that Tribulus Terrestris significantly boosts testosterone levels and plays an important role in the release of nitric oxide from nerve endings within your penis, enhancing in this way erectile function.

Maca Root

Maca is a natural drug that regulates the levels of hormones and enzymes and thus maintains a proper balance in the body. It enhances the metabolic rate and keeps the right levels of male hormones and thus enables you to last longer, boosts sex drive as well as sexual performance.

Saw Palmetto

The plant is known to increase male libido and boost sexual energy. It’s a powerful aphrodisiac. Studies carried out in several European countries have shown that Saw Palmetto treats prostate enlargement, reducing it by 13 percent. It also enhances sexual performance and increases sex drive as well as keeps your body in good overall condition thanks to the reduction in cholesterol and fatty acids in the blood.

Other Ingredients:

L-Arginine HCl: amino acid required for your body to synthesize nitric oxide, which enables the arterial system to retain its youthful elasticity. Apart from that, it plays a major role in the production of hormones, including the growth hormone, and thus contributes to the increase in penis size and boosts blood circulation to the penis.

Pumpkin seed: it’s a good source of protein. It curbs appetite, promotes prostate health and boosts sexual performance.

Panax Ginseng: it’s a known and often used medication in the Far East. It gives a boost of energy, helps fight off fatigue, improves concentration. It’s an aphrodisiac, which improves sexual performance.

Sarsaparilla: the plant has long been known for its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antipyretic properties. It’s also used to treat urinary tract and prostate infections as well as impotence. It also enhances male libido.

Stinging Nettle: it’s used to relieve the symptoms of enlarged prostate.

Licorice Root: it has a positive effect on the endocrine system, improves overall health and sexual performance in men.

A combination of fully natural and safe components of XtraSize and a unique American formula will strenghten your erections and add from 1 to 3 inches to your penis.


Strictly supervised production
process ensuring full safety

XtraSize unique formula consisting of the highest quality natural ingredients is only one of the features due to which our supplement has advantage over other products. Also the production process itself is one of the strong points of XtraSize – strictly supervised at every stage and consistent will all international standards.

First, we need to be sure that each of the ingredients is properly selected for its freshness and quality. Ingredients we are provided with by our suppliers are tested each time to evaluate their quality.

Then, each of the stages of the production process is strictly controlled to ensure they meet strict international standards, used in relation to dietary products and medicines.

We manage all areas of production and ship Xtra Size directly to you so you can be assured of peak potency in every package.

We say NO to poor quality
„knockoff” products

We do not specify the exact amounts of each all natural part of our formula. We keep our proprietarty formula a secret for your protection from shady competitors, who could develop „knockoff” products using poorer quality ingredients.

Buying XtraSize, you want to get the best quality at the best price. You also want to be sure that the product you are buying really works. When you order the product on our site, you can be in no doubt that you get an original, all safe and fully effective dietary supplement. We say NO to “knockoff” products.

Don’t wait, make the decision here and now – order XtraSize and change your sex life. You can also continue reading to see the opinions of men whom our product helped.


The research data on XtraSize is simply undeniable. Greater erectile size and function from a guaranteed all natural product. During careful analysis I became absolutely certain that XtraSize is not only effective but also completely safe. I recommend XtraSize to anyone seeking to improve their sex life.

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